
ダーウィンの日記1836年6月2日 [ダーウィンの日記]


ダーウィンの日記(喜望峰; ケープタウン)



[注] ケープタウン。

[注] オーストラリア。

[注] タスマニア。英国人による最初の入植は1803年に行われた。

[注] 菅笠(すげがさ)のことであろう。
[*注] 現在ではコイコイ人(Khoikhoi)と呼ばれる。



[地図1] ケープタウン..

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[地図2] テーブル・マウンテン..

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[画像] テーブル・マウンテン

In the morning I walked to a neighbouring hill to look at the town. It is laid out with the rectangular precision of a Spanish city; the streets are in good order & macadamized, & some of them have rows of trees on each side;
the houses are all white-washed & look clean. In several trifling particulars the town has a foreign air; but daily it is becoming more English.
There is scarcely a resident in the town, excepting among the lowest order, who does not speak some English; in this facility in becoming Anglefied, there appears to exist a wide difference between this colony & that of Mauritius. This however does not arise from the popularity of the English, for the Dutch, as the French at Mauritius, although having profited to an immense degree by the English government, yet thoroughly dislike our whole nation. In the country universally there is one price for a Dutchman, & another & much higher one, for an Englishman; nevertheless some few of the Dutchmen have lately sent their sons to England to learn a proper system of agriculture.1

All the fragments of the civilized world, which we have visited in the southern hemisphere, all appear to be flourishing; little embryo Englands are hatching in all parts. The Cape Colony, although possessing but a moderately fertile country, appears in a very prosperous condition. In one respect it suffers like New South Wales, namely in the absence of water communication, and in the interior being separated from the coast by a high chain of mountains.
This country does not possess coal, & timber, excepting at a considerable distance, is quite deficient. Hides, tallow & wine, are the chief export, & latterly a considerable quantity of corn.
The farmers are beginning also to pay attention to sheep grazing, a hint taken from Australia. It is no small triumph to Van Diemens Land, that live sheep have been exported from a colony of thirty three years standing to this one, founded in 1651. —

In Cape town it is said the present number of inhabitants is about 15,000, and in the whole colony, including coloured people, 200,000. Many different nations are here mingled together; the Europæans consist of Dutch, French & English, & scattered people from other parts. The Malays, descendants of slaves brought from the East Indian archipelago, form a large body; they appear a fine set of men; they can always be distinguished by conical hats, like the roof of a circular thatched cottage, or by a red handkerchief on their heads. —
The number of negroes is not very great, & the Hottentots, the ill treated aboriginals of the country, are, I should think, in a still smaller proportion.

The first object in Cape town which strikes the eye of a stranger, is the number of bullock waggons; several times I saw eighteen & heard of twenty four oxen being all yoked together in one team;2 Besides these, in all parts waggons with four, six, & eight horses in hand, go trotting about the streets.—

I have as yet not mentioned the well known Table mountain; this great mass of horizontally stratified sandstone rises quite close behind the town to a height of 3500 feet; the upper part forms an absolute wall, often reaching into the region of the clouds. I should think so high a mountain, not forming part of a platform & yet being composed of horizontal strata, must be a rare phenomenon; it certainly gives the landscape a very peculiar, & from some points of view, a grand character. —

1 Followed by a deleted passage: 'One young man, who had just returned from Norfolk, proposed to his father to drain a large shallow lake; the Father with difficulty consented to so strange an idea, as to convert a lake into a cornfield. The plan, as might be expected, succeeded well, but after the three first years the ground was so overrun with weeds, that the old gentleman perceived with joy, that the new fashion seemed likely to fail. The son however soon closed the drain, flooded the land, & so killed the weeds; the old gentleman was amazed at these unheard of expedients,but the next year reaped a fine crop of corn.'
2 Followed by deleted words: 'the line looks as long as if all the cows in a field had been caught & tied together for sport.'


[日記原典] Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.

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