
ダーウィンの日記1836年8月6日から12日 [ダーウィンの日記]


ダーウィンの日記(ブラジル; ペルナンブコ)



[注] ブラジル東部バイアのサルバドルを出帆。

[注] 現在のレシフェ。 下の地図参照。

[注] 単にブラジル人と云った場合、ダーウィンは主としてポルトガル系のブラジル人を意味している。


この平坦で沼地の覆い土地は若干マイルの距離で低い丘、というよりも田野のおそらく海抜2百フィートの高さの縁といったものによって半円形上に取り囲まれている。 オリンダの古い町[注]はこの領域の一方の端にある。ある日私はカヌーによってそこを訪ねるために水路のひとつを進んだ。その位置から私にはこの古い町はペルナンブコよりも心地良くかつ清潔であることが分かった。
[注] ペルナンブコ(レシフェ)の入り江の北方に位置する。なお、冒頭画像参照。

ここ4年半の間のさすらいにおいて、どんな階層の人々の間においてさえも礼儀正しさが欠如しているということに私が出会った最初の時を、私は記憶せねばなるまい。つまり、私は2軒の相異なった屋敷において、この地の眺望を得る目的で耕作されていない丘に向かってその庭園を通り抜けることを不機嫌な物腰で拒絶され、ようやくの事で3軒目において許しを得たのである。私はこれが"善良な人々"[原文"Brava Gente"]の地で起きた事をとても喜ばしく感ずる。というのは私は彼等には何の善意も感じないからである。 スペイン人だったら、このような要求を拒絶するという考え自体を恥じたことであろうしまた誰かに対して無礼に行動する事を恥としたであろう。


ペルナンブコの近傍で私が見た最も興味深いものは、入り江を形づくっているリーフである。これは幾マイルにもわたって完全に真っ直ぐにに延びていて岸からそう遠くなく平行になっている。その幅は30から60ヤードの間で変化がある。干潮の時にはすっかり乾いており水平で滑らかな表面を持っていて硬い砂岩の不明瞭な層から構成されている。だからはじめ見た時はこれが自然の産物であって人為ではないということをなかなか信じられない。 この有用性は多大なもので、内側の水域では近くでもかなりの水深があって、船は頂点にある穴に固定された古い大砲に係留されるのである。灯台が一方の端にあって、その周囲には波が強く砕けている。入り江に船が入る時、この地点の30ヤード以内のところを通りその砕け並みの泡のまっただ中を進むことになる。他方の端の近くには別の砕け波があるので、狭い通路を形成している。このような危険に船がまっしぐらに進むのを見るのは、そのように思われるわけなのであるが、ほとんどゾッとするようなことである。

もうひとつ、少し異なった説明も出来るのであり、これも同等の蓋然性を持っている。つまり、近傍にある海岸に今あるような砂地の長い陸地には結合した中心部分があったのが潮流の方向のわずかの変化により、遊離した部分が取り除かれて硬い核の部分だけが取り残されたのだということである。 外洋のうねりがリーフの狭く取るに足らない線に強く砕けるのであるが、その崩壊の証拠はない。この耐久性はその存在とも関連して最も興味深い事がらである。これは石灰質の層によるように思われる。それは主に、カンザシゴカイ[serpulae][注]、フジツボ[balani]、サンゴモ[corallinae]といった、ただし真のサンゴではない、いくつかの種類の有機体の漸次の成長によって形成されたものである。これは泥炭[peat]の形成とよく似た過程であり、それらの実体と同様、その効果はそこにある物質の劣化から守るのである。 真のサンゴ礁の場合は生きている密集体の最上端が太陽光線のために死んでそれらが取り囲まれてほぼ同様の過程によって保護されるわけである。プリマスにあるような防波堤[Breakwater]がこれら熱帯の海域に建築されたならそれは不滅であろう。云うところはつまり、陸地のどの部分とも同じく不滅であろうが、それら全てはやがては崩壊と修復を被らねばならないのであるが。
[注] "serpulae"を「カンザシゴカイ」として訳すにあたっては、このブログを読んでいただいている春分さんのご指摘に負う所、大きいものがあります。

[地図] Pernambuco (ビーグル号の艦長Capt. FitzRoy, R.による位置表記に示された緯度経度をそのまま用いてここの地図上に緑色のマップポインターで示してあります)..

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6th In the afternoon weighed anchor & stood out to sea. —

The weather having been unfavourable, we altered course & ran for Pernambuco. We anchored outside; but in a short time a pilot came on board & took us into the inner harbor, where we lay close to the town.1

Pernambuco is built on some narrow, low, sand banks, which are separated from each other by shoal channels of salt water. The three parts of the town are connected together by two long bridges, built on wooden piles.The town is in all parts disgusting, the streets narrow, ill-paved, filthy, the houses very tall & gloomy. The number of white people, which during the morning may be met with in the streets, appears to be about in the proportion of foreigners in any other nation; all the rest are black or of a dusky colour. The latter as well as the Brazilians are far from prepossessing in their appearance: the poor negroes, wherever they may be, are cheerful, talkative & boisterous.

There was nothing in the sight, smell or sounds within this large town, which conveyed to me any pleasing impressions. The season of heavy rains scarcely had come to an end & hence the surrounding country, which is scarcely elevated about the level of the sea, was flooded with water. I failed in all my attempts to take any long walks. — I was however enabled to observe that many of the country houses in the outskirts were like those of Bahia, of a gay appearance which harmonized well with the luxuriant character of the tropical vegetation.
The flat swampy land is surrounded at the distance of a few miles by a semicircle of low hills, or rather by the edge of a country elevated perhaps two hundred feet above the sea. The old city of Olinda stands on one extremity of this range.

One day I took a canoe & proceeded up one of the channels to visit it; I found the old town from its situation both sweeter & cleaner than that of Pernambuco. — I must commemorate, as being the first time during the four & a half years we have been wandering about, that I met with a want of politeness amongst any class of people; I was refused in a sullen manner at two different houses, & obtained with difficulty from a third permission to pass through their gardens to an uncultivated hill for the purpose of taking a view of the country. I feel quite glad this happened in the land of the "Brava Gente"; for I bear them no good will. — A Spaniard would have been ashamed at the very thought of refusing such a request, or of behaving to any one with rudeness. —

The channel by which we came to & returned from Olinda is bordered on each side by Mangroves which spring like a miniature forest out of the greasy mud banks. the bright green color of these bushes always reminds me of the rank grass in a Church-yard: both are nourished by putrid exhalations; the one speaks of death past, the other too often of death to come. —
The most curious thing which I saw in the neighbourhood of Pernambuco, is the reef that forms the harbor. It runs for a length of several miles in a perfectly straight line, parallel to & not far distant from the shore; it varies in width from thirty to sixty yards; it is quite dry at low water, has a level smooth surface, & is composed of obscurely stratified hard sandstone: hence at the first sight it is difficult to credit that it is the work of nature & not of art. Its utility is great; close within the inner water, there is a good depth of water, & ships lie moored to old guns, which are fixed in holes on the summit. — A light-house stands on one extremity, & around it the sea breaks heavily. In entering the harbor, a ship passes within thirty yards round this point, & amidst the foam of the breakers; close by, on the other hand, are other breakers, which thus form a narrow gateway: it is almost fearful to behold a ship running, as it appears, headlong into such dangers.

With respect to the origin of the reef, I believe, a bar composed of sand & pebbles formerly existed beneath the water, when the low land on which the town now stands was occupied by a large bay; & that this bar was first consolidated, & then elevated. These two distinct processes are of so common occurrence in S. America, that I now feel none of that surprise, with which such facts would formerly have startled me.2 There is another & slightly different explanation, which possesses equal probability, namely that a long spit of sand like some that now exist on the neighbouring coast, had its central part consolidated, & then by a slight change in the set of currents the loose matter was removed, the hard nucleus alone remaining. Although the swell of the open ocean breaks heavily on the outer side of the narrow & insignificant line of reef, yet there is no record of its decay. This durability is the most curious circumstance connected with its existence: it appears to be owing to a layer of calcareous matter, formed by the successive growth of several kinds of organic bodies, chiefly serpulae, balani, corallinae, but no true corals. It is a process strictly analogous to the formation of peat, & like that substance, its effects are to preserve from degradations the matter on which it rests. — In true coral reefs, when the upper extremities of the living mass are killed by the rays of the sun, they become enveloped & protected by a nearly similar process. It is probable that if a Breakwater such as that of Plymouth, was built in these tropical seas, it would be imperishable, that is, as imperishable as any part of the solid land, which all, some day, must suffer decay & renovation.

1 Followed by a deleted sentence: 'On the ensuing day I took up my residence on shore in a Brazilian inn. —'
2 The sentence which follows was written on a separate unnumbered page, and marked to be inserted here.


[日記原典] Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.


nice!(23)  コメント(3) 

nice! 23

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by 春分 (2009-12-23 12:32) 


by さとふみ (2009-12-23 13:10) 


by さとふみ (2011-06-06 21:42) 
