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ダーウィンの日記1836年10月2日から11月17日 [ダーウィンの日記]

ダーウィンの日記(10月2日 ダーウィン ファルマスにて下船 ただちに故郷へ向かう馬車に乗る; 11月17日 ビーグル号はテームズ河ウーリッジにてこの第2次航海の任務を完了)



[注] 例えば、Capt. R.FitzRoy(フィッツロイ艦長)の記す1836年10月1日午後2時の天候は "北西の風、風力10、青空と雲、スコール、驟雨、水温摂氏14.7度。"

[注] フィッツロイ艦長の記す10月2日深夜の天候は "風力11、全天曇り、荒れ模様、暗い、スコール、気温摂氏9.4度。"
[*注] シルズベリはC.ダーウィンの父や姉たちの住む家のある所で、彼が父と姉の住む家に到着したのは4日の夜遅く。その家の人々の前に突然現われたのが5日の朝食時であると云う。この段階ではダーウィンはその持ち物をビーグル号に積んだままであったことが6日付けヘンズロー宛の手紙などから読み取れる。





[注] テームズ河沿い。造船所があり、ビーグル号が1820年5月11日に進水した所である。
[*注] ビーグル号がこの第2次航海の任務に就いたのは1831年7月4日。その任務達成をより確実にするための大きな改造を経た後に、ダーウィンを乗せてプリマス湾から出帆したのが1831年12月27日。出帆の翌日から数えて任務完了まで4年10ヶ月と21日。ダーウィンが乗っていたのは10月2日までなので、この下船日は出帆の日の4年9ヶ月と5日後(途中タヒチで日付変更)。
出帆日の日記(アーカイヴ; 参考)..

[C.ダーウィンのビーグル号日記 完]

[地図1] ファルマス ..

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[地図2] ウーリッジ ..

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October 2nd
After a tolerably short passage, but with some very heavy weather, we came to an anchor at Falmouth. — To my surprise and shame I confess the first sight of the shores of England inspired me with no warmer feelings, than if it had been a miserable Portugeese settlement.1 The same night (and a dreadfully stormy one it was) I started by the Mail for Shrewsbury. —
1 A note in the margin reads: 'Mem: Freycinet remarks after his troubles'. See Louis Claude Desaulses de Freycinet, Voyage autour du monde, entrepris par ordre du Roi. 4 vols. Paris, 1824–6.

The Beagle proceeded to Plymouth; where she lay till the 17th. —1

1 On the following day, CD wrote from Shrewsbury to his uncle Josiah Wedgwood II: 'The Beagle arrived at Falmouth on Sunday evening, & I reached home late lastnight. My head is quite confused with so much delight, but I cannot allow my sisters to tell you first, how happy I am to see all my dear friends again. I am obliged to return in three or four days to London, where the Beagle will be paid off, & then I shall pay Shrewsbury a longer visit. I am most anxious once again to see Maer, & all its inhabitants, so that in the course of two or three weeks, I hope in person to thank you, as being my first Lord of the Admiralty.' See Correspondence 1: 504.
On 6 October he wrote to FitzRoy 'I arrived here yesterday morning at Breakfast time, & thank God, found all my dear good sisters & father quite well. —…I wish with all my heart, I was writing to you, amongst your friends instead of at that horrid Plymouth. But the day will soon come and you will be as happy as I am now — I do assure you I am a very great man at home — the five years voyage has certainly raised me a hundred per cent. I fear such greatness must experience a fall. — … I thought when I began this letter I would convince you what a steady & sober frame of mind I was in. But I find I am writing most precious nonsense. Two or three of our labourers yesterday immediately set to work, and got most excessively drunk in honour of the arrival of Master Charles. — Who then shall gainsay if Master Charles himself chooses to make himself a fool. Good bye — God bless you — I hope you are as happy, but much wiser than your most sincere but unworthy Philos. Chas. Darwin.'

Sailed for the Thames, calling on her way at Portsmouth & Deal, & got up the river to Greenwich on the 28th. —

November 7th
She moved down to Woolwich, where on the 17th she was paid off. —


[日記原典] Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.



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