
ダーウィンの日記1835年4月1日と2日 [ダーウィンの日記]


ダーウィンの日記(アンデス山脈横断; ウスパリャタを通る復路)

[注釈] 日記そのものに出ているわけではありませんが、この時、ダーウィンはいったんアンデス東面にやや離れて存在する山間部(ウスパリャタ山域)を下りて、アンデスの峠へと続く平野部にさしかかるやや手前で珪化木(化石木)の林を発見します。ダーウィンはこれを、大地の沈降・隆起ということがあった証拠として解釈します。こうしたことによっても、彼はライエルの『地質学原理』への確信を深めることになったものと考えられます。この辺の事柄はダーウィンのビーグル号における航海でのハイライトのひとつと云えるでしょうか。


[注] 日記の日付に1日のずれが生じています。ダーウィン自身が4月6日付けのところで気付きます。原因は3月が30日までしかないと思い違いをしたため。

[注] 前夜から泊まった鉱山。
[*注] 原文は"Tracpiche"。スペイン語の単語として"trapiche"は製粉機といった意味を持つようですが、ここではこの地域での鉱山関連の特殊な用語である可能性があるので、そのまま"トラピチェ作業場"としておきます。なお、ダーウィンの"Tracpiche"は"trapiche"のことであろうとのご指摘は、このブログを読んで頂いているアマデウスさんから受けたものです。検討の結果こちらで納得いたしましたので当初の訳文をここで改訂いたしました。ありがとうございます。


[注] ウスパリャタの平野部。上の冒頭画像と地図2参照。

[注] たとえば上の冒頭画像参照。

さて、ダーウィンはこの珪化木を、大地の沈降・隆起という不断のダイナミズムの証拠であると考えます。『ビーグル号航海記』のもとになった Journal and Remarks(1839) のpp.407-8にはこれに関して次のような叙述があります..

[訳注] 上にあげたヘンズローへの手紙では"少なくとも5度"という書き方をしています。

"It required little geological practice to interpret the marvellous story, which this scene at once unfolded; though I confess I was at first so much astonished that I could scarcely believe the plainest evidence of it. I saw the spot where a cluster of fine trees had once waved their branches on the shores of the Atlantic, when that ocean (now driven back 700 miles) approached the base of the Andes. I saw that they had sprung from a volcanic soil which had been raised above the level of the sea, and that this dry land, with its upright trees, had subsequently been let down to the depths of the ocean. There it was covered by sedimentary matter, and this again by enormous streams of submarine lava—one such mass alone attaining the thickness of a thousand feet; and these deluges of melted stone and aqueous deposits had been five times spread out alternately. The ocean which received such masses must have been deep; but again the subterranean forces exerted their power, and I now beheld the bed of that sea forming a chain of mountains more than seven thousand feet in altitude. Nor had those antagonist forces been dormant, which are always at work to wear down the surface of the land to one level: the great piles of strata had been intersected by many wide valleys; and the trees now changed into silex were exposed projecting from the volcanic soil now changed into rock, whence formerly in a green and budding state they had raised their lofty heads. "
(Darwin, C.R., Journal and Remarks, 1839, pp.407-8.)

[注] 出典 中の "Mendoza to Valparaiso, April 1835" の項目参照。また下の画像1の出典の文献参照。



[画像1] ダーウィンによる珪化木の林の発見を記念するために1959年に建てられた碑(矢印)..


[画像2] 珪化木林のダーウィンによる発見の記念碑..

[地図1] 珪化木林の見られた場所の目安の位置(Agua de la Zorraという地名の所で、前日言及したパルミリョスの鉱山跡の近傍)..

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[地図2] ウスパリャタの平原..

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April 1st[31st]
There are here a few miserable houses & there is a Tracpiche for Gold ores.1

1 For the next few days, as noted by CD on 5 April, his dates are wrong by one day. The correct dates are shown in square brackets.

On the 2nd we crossed the Uspallata range of mountains; these correspond in their position & probably in their age to the Portillo range, but are of very inferior height. they are separated from the main range by a level plain of the same appearance & nature as those basins described in Chili. On this barren plain which has an altitude of nearly 6000 ft are the houses of the Estancia of Uspallata. We slept here at night; it is the custom house & the last inhabited place on this side of the Cordillereas. The Uspallata mountains are deficient in water & quite barren; on the road shortly before reaching the plain there is a very extraordinary view; there are quite white, red, purple & green sedimentary rocks & black Lavas; these strata are broken up by hills of Porphyry of every shade of Brown & bright Lilacs. All together they were the first mountains which I had seen which literally resembled a coloured Geological section. —1

1 In the course of his ride from Hornillos over the Uspallata range, CD made an important geological discovery. The long entry in Down House Notebook 1.13 contains the following passage: 'Looking for Silicified wood found in broken escarpement of green sandstone (58) [this figure refers to a specimen now in the Sedgwick Museum in Cambridge] 11 silicified trees & 50 or 60 columns, (Lots wife) of Sulph. of Barytes: drusy cavities: form completely kept either entire silex orBarytes: nearly all same diameter, little more or less 18 inches: in silicified centre of tree evident & all the rings: impression of bark in Sandstone: in Barytes only analogy makes me know what they are: the 11 are within 60 yards of each other; & the most remote not above 120. No where else did I see a trace: The strata incline 20°–30° WSW: All the trees incline about 70° to ENE:1 except 2 silicified pieces as thick as my arm & smooth, which are embedded: horizontal: some trees only a yard apart, many two or three: appear vertical: Barytes one traced seven feet: silicified 4½ ft: Sandstone consists of many layers in colour & texture which embrace trees:'
This finding of the grove of fossilized trees was also described in similar terms in CD's letter to Henslow of 18 April 1835 (see Correspondence 1: 440–5). In Journal of Researches pp. 405–7, CD concluded: 'It required little geological practice to interpret the marvellous story, which this scene at once unfolded; though I confess I was at first so much astonished that I could scarcely believe the plainest evidence of it. I saw the spot where a cluster of fine trees had once waved their branches on the shores of the Atlantic, when that ocean (now driven back 700 miles) approached the base of the Andes. I saw that they had sprung from a volcanic soil which had been raised above the level of the sea, and that this dry land, with its upright trees, had subsequently been let down to the depths of the ocean. There it was covered by sedimentary matter, and this again by enormous streams of submarine lava — one such mass alone attaining the thickness of a thousand feet; and these deluges of melted stone and aqueous deposits had been five times spread out alternately. The ocean which received such masses must have been deep; but again the subterranean forces exerted their power, and I now beheld the bed of that sea forming a chain of mountains more than seven thousand feet in altitude.' Yet the era of plate tectonics was still in the distant future!
The site of the grove beside the main road from Mendoza to Santiago is now marked by a marble plaque erected in 1959. The silicified trunks of the trees have been removed by later visitors, but some of the cavities in the sandstone are still to be seen.


[日記原典] Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.

nice!(18)  コメント(7) 

nice! 18

コメント 7



by アマデウス (2009-05-14 08:01) 


by さとふみ (2009-05-14 08:09) 


あ、"trapiche"ですね。 原文が大文字で始まっているし、綴りが"Tracpiche"となっているので、なんのことか見当がつきませんでした。
by さとふみ (2009-05-14 08:17) 


by アヨアン・イゴカー (2009-05-16 23:27) 


ダーウィンのここでの説明は基本的にはライエルの『地質学原理』に則ったものであり、大陸移動の説とは直接の関連を見ることは出来ないのではないかと思います。また、珪化木の成因そのものについても、ここで述べられているようなものであるかどうかは分からない所だと思います。 ただ、ここで見られるのは、ダーウィンが、地質において不断のダイナミズムというものの証拠を見たと考えたということなのではないでしょうか。
by さとふみ (2009-05-17 05:33) 


by 春分 (2009-05-24 08:01) 


by さとふみ (2009-05-24 08:36) 
