
ダーウィンの日記1836年4月30日 [ダーウィンの日記]


ダーウィンの日記(モーリシャス; ポート・ルイス)



次の日には私は多くの時間を町を歩き回ったり様々な人々を訪問することに費やした。 この町はかなりの規模があり、2万人の住民がいると言われている。通りはとても清潔で整然としている。 この島は英国の支配下に長いことあるのだが、この場所の一般的な特徴は全くフランス的である。英国人はその使用人にフランス語で話し、店では全てフランス語である。実際のところカレーとかブローニュの方がもっと英国化されていたと思う。



大多数は殺人など最悪の犯罪によって追放されて来た者たちであり、それ以外は、迷信的な動機によって英国政府および法に従わなかったというような具合の、道徳的な落ち度とはほとんど考えられない理由によるものである。 ある高いカーストの男を見たが、彼はある犯罪を犯した隣人に不利な証言をしようとしなかったということで追放されて来ていたのであった。後者の哀れな男は常習のアヘン吸引者としても有名で、その事はやつれた体と奇妙に物憂い表情から分かるものだった。
[注] オーストラリア(南東部)。

こうした囚人の他に、多数の自由人が毎年インドから連れてこられる。というのは大農園主たちは黒人が解放されて[注]働こうとしなくなることを恐れているからである。こうした理由のため、インド人の数はかなりのものである。 黒人に関して言うならば、ブラジル、および西インド諸島も入れられると思うが、そこにおけるよりもだいぶ劣った人々のように見える。彼等はマダガスカルおよびザンジバルの海岸出身である。 奴隷解放令の重大さはこれらの人々の間では全く興奮を引き起こしていない。自由になると多くの労働への誘因がないだろうというのが一般の見解であるように思われる。だが、私が会話をかわしたわずかの人の間ではこの主題への注意がいかに欠如しているかということを見出して私は驚いた。インドの無数の人口という資源に安心感を持ち、奴隷解放の結果ということに関しては西インド諸島におけるよりはずっと小さな関心しかもたれていない。
[注] 英国は1834年に植民地を含む英帝国内の奴隷を解放している。

[地図] ポート・ルイス(モーリシャス)..

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I spent the greater part of the next day in walking about the town & visiting different people. The town is of considerable size, & is said to contain 20,000 inhabitants; the streets are very clean & regular. Although the island has been so many years under the English government, the general character of the place is quite French. Englishmen speak to their servants in French, & the shops are all French; indeed I should think that Calais or Boulogne was much more Anglefied[sic].
There is a very pretty little theatre, in which operas are excellently performed, & are much preferred by the inhabitants1 to common plays. We were also surprised at seeing large booksellers shops with well stored shelves: — music & reading bespeak our approach to the old world of civilization, for in truth both Australia & America may be considered as New Worlds. —

One of the most interesting spectacles in Port Louis is the number of men of various races which may be met with in the streets. Convicts from India are banished here for life; of them at present there are about 800 who are employed in various public works. Before seeing these people I had no idea that the inhabitants of India were such noble looking men; their skin is extremely dark,2 and many of the older men had large moustachios & beards of a snow white colour; this, together with the fire of their expressions, gave to them an aspect quite imposing.
The greater number have been banished for murder & the worst crimes; others for causes which can scarcely be considered as moral faults, such as for not obeying, from superstitious motives, the English Government & laws.
I saw one man of high cast, who had been banished because he would not bear witness against his neighbour who had committed some offence; this poor man was also remarkable as being a confirmed opium eater, of which fact his emaciated body & strange drowsy expression bore witness. These convicts are generally quiet & well conducted; from their outward conduct, their cleanliness, & faithful observance of their strange religious enactments, it was impossible to look at these men with the same eyes as at our wretched convicts in New S. Wales. —

Besides such prisoners, large numbers of free people are yearly imported from India; for the planters feared that the negroes, when emancipated, would not work: from these causes the Indian population is very considerable. With respect to the negroes, they appeared a very inferior race of men to those of Brazil, & as I believe, of the W. Indies: they come from Madagascar & the Zanzibar coast. The great act of emancipation caused no excitement amongst these people; it seems a general opinion that at first when free, nothing will tempt them to undergo much labor. I was however surprised to find how little the few people with whom I conversed seemed to care about the subject. Feeling confident in a resource in the countless population of India, the result of the emancipation was here much less regarded than in the West Indies. —
1 Followed by the deleted words in brackets 'praise be to their tastes'.
2 Followed by the deleted words: 'certainly deeper than an intermediate shade between an American & a Negro'.


[日記原典] Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.


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nice! 25

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by SAKANAKANE (2009-11-07 16:27) 


by さとふみ (2009-11-07 18:43) 
