
ダーウィンの日記1836年6月1日 [ダーウィンの日記]


ダーウィンの日記(喜望峰; ダーウィンはケープタウンへ)



[注] サイモンズタウン。

ケープタウンから7マイル以内、ワインバーグ[注]の近傍にはいってだいぶ状況が良くなった。この辺りには首府のより裕福な居住者の全ての別荘がある。 若いヨーロッパアカマツや小さいままのオークの無数の林がこの地域への主な誘因を形成している。実際このような土地のむき出しの荒涼を通った後では木陰とそこへの退避は大きな魅力である。 家屋と農園は情景に並外れた程度の美しさを与える山々の壮大な壁を背景としている[注]
[注] ケープタウンの南郊。下の地図参照。
[*注] 冒頭画像も参照。


[地図] ワインバーグ(ケープタウン南郊)..

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June 1st
There being nothing worth seeing here, I procured a gig & set out for the Cape town, which is 22 miles distant. Both of these towns are situated within the heads, but at opposite extremities of a range of mountains, which is joined to the mainland by a low sandy flat. The road skirted the base of these mountains: for the first 14 miles the country is very desert; & with the exception of the pleasure which the sight of an entirely new vegetation never fails to communicate, there was very little of interest. The view however of the mountains on the opposite side of the flat, brightened by the declining sun, was fine.
Within seven miles of Cape town, in the neighbourhood of Wynberg, a great improvement was visible. In this vicinity are situated all the country houses of the more wealthy residents of the Capital. The numerous woods of young Scotch firs & stunted oak trees form the chief attraction of this locality; there is indeed a great charm in shade & retirement after the unconcealed bleakness of a country like this. —1 The houses & plantations are backed by a grand wall of mountains which gives to the scene a degree of uncommon beauty.

I arrived late in the evening in Cape Town, & had a good deal of difficulty in finding quarters: in the morning several ships from India had arrived at this great inn on the great highway of nations, & they had disgorged on shore a host of passengers, all longing to enjoy the delights of a temperate climate. There is only one good hotel, so that all strangers live in boarding houses — a very uncomfortable fashion to which I was obliged to conform, although I was fortunate in my quarters. —

1 Followed by a deleted sentence: 'Poor in dimensions as the trees generally were, & planted in straight lines & clipped according to the old Dutch fashion, yet the appearance of a turnpike road strewed with decaying oak leaves & smelling like a wood in the autumn of England, was quite delightful.'


[日記原典] Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.


nice!(24)  コメント(2) 

nice! 24

コメント 2


by zenjimaru (2009-11-18 12:52) 


by さとふみ (2009-11-18 15:46) 
